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Concierto - Provo, Utah (1975 Enero 17)

Diario Crónica (Argentina 06-05-1979)



The Columbia Record (Columbia, South Carolina • Sat, Dec 4, 1971)


The Index-Journal (Greenwood, South Carolina • Wed, Aug 14, 1974)






The Brandon Sun (Brandon Manitoba Canada • Wed, Oct 20, 1976)



Olivia Newton John performs on the BBC TV show 'Top Of The Pops', (United Kingdom, January 31st 1973.)


Northwest Arkansas Times (Fayetteville, Arkansas • Fri, Aug 23, 1974)


Olivia Newton-John at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon, November 22, 1977.

The Daily News-Journal Murfreesboro (Tennessee • Sun, Nov 13, 1977)

1978 - Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

From 4th to 10th Sep­tem­ber 1978. The star Glo­ria Swan­son came to Deauville! The Fes­ti­val paid her an excep­tion­al trib­ute, along­side King Vidor, Kirk Dou­glas and Nor­man Jew­i­son.  On the fringes of these trib­utes, the Fes­ti­val decid­ed to « tip it’s hat » to one of the tal­ents of Amer­i­can 7th Art.  And in the great tra­di­tion of silent cin­e­ma, it staged an excep­tion­al screen­ing of The Crowd, direct­ed by King Vidor in 1928, with cre­ation and impro­vi­sa­tion on stage of the film’s music by vio­lin­ist Ivry Giltis.    The Fes­ti­val cul­mi­nat­ed in a fren­zy with Grease.  For the first time, the orga­niz­ers were oblig­ed to resign them­selves to engag­ing body­guards to ensure the per­son­al safe­ty of the vis­it­ing Amer­i­can stars.


Olivia Newton-John on NBN Channel 3 Television’s “Here Tonight” in the 1970s (NBN Archive)  

The Virgin encyclopedia of popular music (2002)



The Age Melbourne (Victoria, Australia • Fri, Mar 22, 1968)


The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney ( New South Wales, Australia • Mon, Apr 27, 1964)


Cliff Richard, a celebration : "the official story of forty years in show business"

  Page 97 The first duet | recorded with Olivia Newton-John was Don't Move Away. She had sung backing vocals for me on tour, and this was a chance to give her the exposure she deserved. It became the B-side of Sunny Honey Girl, which was my first single of 1971, released at the beginning of another | 3-week series for BBC television. Hank and Una were again resident guests and Hank presented his new group Marvin, Welch and Farrar, through whom I'd met Olivia. Peter Gormley was now managing Olivia too, and her first single If Not For You — a Bob Dylan song — was produced by Bruce and John Farrar and became a big hit in both the UK and in the States. Page 97 | established a close friendship with Olivia that added a special warmth to our duets on the series — | still love to sing with her — and | think viewers wished coupledom upon us. We both played a prank on a radio DJ by phoning him from a hotel room late one night, and, not surprisingly, that helped to fuel rumours. Page 97 T...

The Johns Hopkins University News-Letter, Volume 102, Number 22 (1998 April 1)


Hit Parader Magazine (November 1980)


Australian TV Week ( Brisbane, August 23, 1980)

Top 100 singles : the definitive chart of the UK's best-selling songs - ever (2002 by Roach, Martin)

Something Better To Do (Live in Japan 1976)


The new book of people : photographs, capsule biographies, and vital statistics of over 500 celebrities (Andersen, Christopher )


Film review 1972-73

  Page 96 Two of the Toomorrow musical group who give the title to a quite happy little UA musical which ranged from the London College of Art to spies from Outer Space and was both written and directed by Val Guest. Page 237 Toomorrow Quite cheery little musical about a quartet of students from the London College of Art who form a Group and so impress an Alphoid Space Spy (here disguised as a human being!) that he decides to recruit them as agents to combat the sterility of sound in space! Cast: Olivia Newton-Fohn, Benny Thomas, Vic Cooper, Karl Chambers, Roy Dotrice, Imogen Hassall, Louis Cabot, Tracey Crisp, Maria O’ Brien, Lynda Westover, Diane Keen, Lucy Fenwick, Patrick Tull, foanna Henderson, Margaret Nolan, Allan Warren, Carl Rigg, John Dommett, Rohan McCullough, Richard Woo, Kubi Chaza, Lynn Lewis, Roy Marsden. Dir & Written: Val Guest. Pro: Harry Saltzman & Don see (Rank.) Rel: Sept. 13. (T & Pan.) 95 mins. Sei Je.

The Story of the Shadows : an autobiography (1983)

  Page 171 It was in September 1966 that the Shadows first met seventeen-yearold Olivia Newton John at a gig in Bournemouth and for Bruce it was love at first sight. Page 171 I desperately wanted Olivia to audition for our third pantomine Cinderella which lined up at the Palladium at Christmas but she declined and flew back to Australia and her steady boyfriend in November. They were troubled times for me, my wife Anne had found out about Olivia, Olivia had gone back to her boyfriend, and there was a lot of squabbling going on within the group! Page 174 At the tail end of the Cinderella show at the Palladium, Bruce bumped into the Seekers’ road manager who told him, ‘A friend of yours is in town and would like to see you.’ Bruce made it to the phone faster than you could say ‘Kip Keino’. Olivia was back! Page 174 I called her straight away, and we started seeing each other. Dwayne, my son, was six then so it wasn’t an easy decision to make, but Anne and I eventually parted, and Ol...

Bubblegum music is the naked truth : the dark history of prepubescent pop from the Banana Splits to Britney Spears(2001)