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1978 - Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

From 4th to 10th Sep­tem­ber 1978. The star Glo­ria Swan­son came to Deauville! The Fes­ti­val paid her an excep­tion­al trib­ute, along­side King Vidor, Kirk Dou­glas and Nor­man Jew­i­son. 
On the fringes of these trib­utes, the Fes­ti­val decid­ed to « tip it’s hat » to one of the tal­ents of Amer­i­can 7th Art.
 And in the great tra­di­tion of silent cin­e­ma, it staged an excep­tion­al screen­ing of The Crowd, direct­ed by King Vidor in 1928, with cre­ation and impro­vi­sa­tion on stage of the film’s music by vio­lin­ist Ivry Giltis.    The Fes­ti­val cul­mi­nat­ed in a fren­zy with Grease.
 For the first time, the orga­niz­ers were oblig­ed to resign them­selves to engag­ing body­guards to ensure the per­son­al safe­ty of the vis­it­ing Amer­i­can stars.
